New Song



A New Song




      A very timid and shy elementary student shrank as she sat down at the lunch table. Conversations swirled around her as the other children excitedly took their goodies from their lunch bags. The little girl silently ate from her lunchroom tray not really knowing how to fit it. Being invisible seemed like the best option. The bell rang, the children returned to the classroom and began working again. The little girl felt relief to be back in her comfort zone. But today was a special day the teacher announced. Something exciting was about to happen. The air was electric as the children sat on the edge of their seats. “Today,” said the teacher, “you will write down how you would like to participate in our talent showcase to be held after the PTA meeting.” All seemed eager to participate. The shy little girl reluctantly wrote her name and beside her name she wrote that she would sing. The “‘big day” came and after working on her song with her mom and dad, she felt nervous but ready. She walked out onto the stage and the backstage students pulled the cords to open the curtains. Her mouth felt dry and the lights in her eyes made it impossible to see her family in the audience. The song began and then it happened. Music. This was a brand new feeling. Her shaky voice became stronger and her posture became taller. This little girl had enjoyed for the first time the feeling of connecting with other hearts. The music and the message gave her boldness and encouraged her to express herself in a way never before experienced. She was immediately hooked.


      Fast forward to junior high school, the same shy little girl transferred to a new school, with new teachers, students, schedules and new fears of standing out in the wrong way. Again, it was music that provided a safe place to let her relax. For in choir and band, she could forget that she wasn’t wearing the latest trends that her friends were wearing or that she wasn’t going to the same party as her friends after school. She still felt somehow connected. Music continued to be that safe place throughout high school and college. Music was a gift that God used to help this young girl connect with others, and it was music that God used to teach her many important truths about Him. The hymns sung in church were full of doctrinal truths and Scripture that were engrained in her mind and heart. As the young girl grew into a young lady, many of the Bible verses that she had learned came from the songs that she sang as a child. God again used the gift of music to encourage her heart so many times with these Scriptures. God convicted her heart as a young lady to repent and completely trust in the gift of His son, Jesus Christ. Her heart was full and now music was not just hers to enjoy, but became a tool to connect people to the truth. Music gave opportunities that this young lady would never have had otherwise. Too terrified to speak but when sung the message was easy to share. Over the next ten years, God used music as a tool to provide this young lady with education, income, but more importantly, a platform to share the Gospel.


     It had been opportunities provided by music that had been the highlights of her life up to this point in her young adult life and it would be music that continued to play such an important role thereafter. The young lady moved to a town where she knew no one, to take classes that she wasn’t too sure if she could understand. She arrived to her first class of many to follow the very first day and it happened again. The same feeling she had felt so many years before was relived as once again, music connected her to another person. This time it was with someone she would commit to in marriage to love until death parted them. Music brought them together and music connected their young hearts together. The next twenty years were filled with music both played and performed. The young couple served in a church connecting with young people through music. The happy couple started a family and still music played an important role in teaching, comforting, and playing with the children. Happy tunes were the soundtrack for the young family’s home.


     As with all earthly songs, this happy refrain came to an end. The young man, who had 20 years prior won her affection and had fathered 4 beautiful children with her, past away with no warning. The music in this once happy home stopped. No singing. ……Just silence……. Slowly, tunes came back, but the upbeat refrains of praise of yesterday now sounded more like the blues. Suddenly, many of the psalms of David made sense.  Her hope and trust was still in the loving God who had given her such a special gift to enjoy, but in the moment it DID FEEL like she was all alone. She realized that some of the greatest art, poetry and music have all been born out of pain: something or someone lost, unmet expectations in life or disappointments. Jesus was familiar with this pain and experienced it himself while here on earth.  Even after serving the disciples, by washing their feet and serving them their last meal together, he experienced betrayal by one of His own. It must have pained Him so to know what Judas was about to do, but even then, the Bible says that they ate, then sang a song and then departed. Music can be enjoyed and it can encourage, and it engages others to hear a much needed message. As I grew from being that shy, timid little girl into a wife and mother, I experienced music in all those ways. God has used music in the seasons of happy celebration, but is now using it to comfort and encourage my young family after the loss of my beloved husband, Steve and the loss of my children’s father and hero. Every new thing and chapter in my life has been underscored with this wonderful gift. Out of this experience, I am now beginning a new chapter of my life, a new day and a new song. Each day He gives us during our brief time here on earth is filled with His kindness as He gives us new songs to sing. They are only just short glimpses into the eternal refrain that we will all one day sing. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.

      Bel Canto Vocal Studio was born out of this thought - to teach, encourage, and equip others to find their own voice and song so that they too may enjoy here on earth this gift that we will one day enjoy in our eternal home.